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Tim and Toby got together to develop RocketGro in 2020! Tim’s family have been farming for over a 100 years, and their beautiful farm based in Somerset started a BioGas generation plant 20 years ago.
For years, the by-product (Digestate) produced by the BioGas plant, has been utilised by surrounding farms as a rich alternative to chemical fertilisers. Nicknamed ‘Rocket Fuel’ in the farming community, it is a powerful natural fertiliser and kind to the environment.
How are RocketGro Products made?
The base ingredient for all RocketGro products is brought to life through the process of Anaerobic Digestion (AD). We feed Rye, Maize, and Grass into our Bio-gas AD plant, this is then composted down by natural microbes that produce green bio-gas. The by-product of this process is the base ingredient for all our compost & soil improver products.
For clarity we also input food waste into another section of the Bio-gas AD plant to produce green bio-gas but this is kept separate from the production of RocketGro products.
What is John Innes?
‘John Innes’ refers to the compost type and is not a compost manufacturer. The range of John Innes composts were originally developed in the 1930’s at the John Innes Horticultural Research Institute, named after the 19th century developer and philanthropist, John Innes, who bequeathed his fortune to the improvement of horticulture.
The John Innes ingredients that he originally mixed together became a well known and trusted recipe amongst horticulturalists and growers. Many gardeners and growers today trust the John Innes blends to get them better growing results.
John Innes composts weigh more than other types of compost because one the key ingredients is loam (soil) along with peat or a peat substitute, and sand, and a source of fertiliser. A compost that states that it is a straight John Innes compost must contain Peat.
The key added ingredients in a compost that comes with ‘added John Innes’, are loam, a source of fertiliser N:P:K, and some sand. A compost that is Peat-Free can come with ‘added John Innes’. RocketGro composts that come with ‘added John Innes’ derive their N:P:K naturally from one of the core substrates in our composts; Digestate, and an added Organic Fertiliser Superfood in our Multi-Purpose product. This enables RocketGro to stay true to their chemical free Organic values.